4 parallel projections and loudspeakers

"Grades of Foreignness" exhibition, OSTRALE Biennial,  Dresden, Germany, July 3 – September 1, 2019

Loop duration 1h 32 minutes


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Foreign Bodies n.2, Saxony is a series created specifically for OSTRALE Biennale installation that related to the series Foreign Bodies n.1 Valle di Blenio, Switzerland. The medical term "foreign body" corresponds to the human body, which intrudes, violates and makes nature artificial, loses its unity with it, becoming its external element. The profound dissonance and the gap between being with nature and being hostile to nature creates an inevitable tension entangled in modern identity, like victims trapped in our web, carnivores of our self.

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Avital continues his collaboration with local dancers and actress, in his investigation between the archetypal posing he used in Foreign Bodies n.1 Valle di Blenio and the local environment.


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