Global voice and gesture artwork


The participatory project HUMAN SIGNS, a global voice and gesture artwork, two of the most fundamental forms of human expression, is conceived by multimedia artist and composer Yuval Avital in collaboration with Stefania Ballone, dancer and choreographer of Teatro alla Scala.

An art anomaly, not produced or commissioned by any entity, but desired by the artists themselves. Born during the COVID-19 seclusion, interpreting the viral aesthetic of this unique historical moment, HUMAN SIGNS has gathered till now over 200 performers from 50 countries, each proposing a deep individual art-testimony which converges into a powerful expressive multimedia fresco.

Yuval’s 12 minutes vocal art testimony, auto-filmed during reclusion, expresses his most intimate state and becomes a fundamental layer to which all artists relate to as a timeline, musicality and intensity guide (Similar to the Renaissance concept of Cantus Firmus), allowing by this method potential infinite interconnections between all participants, creating choirs, Ensembles, Constellations and intimate dialogues.

Bringing a deep sense of togetherness, HUMAN SIGNS aims to overcome physical distance and isolation therefore, it invites us to explore differently the spaces, languages, and forms of interconnection, as part of a collective reflection on a unique historical time. HUMAN SIGNS was presented online as a multimedia artwork through the Living Digital Archiveand offline through LIVE GRID performances in five different cities around the world (New York, San Petersburg, Tel Aviv, Milan, Turin).

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Human Signs has been constantly spreading, involving more artists, and shifting towards new forms of proliferation. The different art testimonies are not only personal expressions of life in isolation during the pandemic but are also part of a collective reflection on a unique historical moment; all the voices and gestures become part of a living digital archive. Bringing a deep sense of togetherness, Human Signs aims to overcome the physical distance and isolation. And in doing so, it invites us to explore differently the spaces, languages, and forms of interconnection, as part of a collective reflection on a unique historical time.

Among the Human Signs artists there are: vocalists including some the most celebrated figures of ancient traditions, contemporary and experimental scenes; religious performers from every faith, and key figures of classical and baroque music; and dancers and soloists of leading contemporary dance and ballet companies; choreographers, and visionary performance artists, from every part of the globe.

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In November 2021, for the first time since its creation, Yuval Avital's monumental artwork was presented in the form of an exhibition at the ESPRONCEDA Cultura Institute of Art and Culture on the occasion of LOOP BARCELONA: CITY SCREEN 2021 one of the most important video art festivals in Europe held annually in Barcelona.


See the full project