First step

01 December – 07 December 2018

Icon-Sonic Postcards Tryptich N.2 – Postcards from Rome   

Multi video projections, loudspeaker, seven lightboxes, performances, audio, video and paper document-materials


 Macro Asilo | Rome | Italy

30 May - 1 June 2018

JOB by Yuval Avital  

Icon/Sonic Opera N.6 - WORLD PREMIERE

Libretto: Haim Baharier and Magda Poli

Vocal Ensemble - Auditivvokal Dresden
conductor - Olaf Katzer
Soloists: Julia Domke (soprano), Ewa Zeuner (soprano), Carl Thiemt (tenor), Philipp Schreyer (bass), Timo Hannig (bass).

Instrumental Ensemble - PMCE Parco della Musica Contemporanea Ensemble
Conductor - Tonino Battista
Soloists: Flavio Tanzi and Pietro Pompei (percussions), Francesco Peverini (violin 1), Filippo Fattorini (violin 2), Luca Sanzò (viola), Anna Armatys (cello 1), Rina You (cello 2), Tommaso Cancellieri (live elettronics).

Traditional singers from the three monotheist religions
Silent Narrator: Liliana Segre
Narrators: Gaia Petronio and Lorenzo Lucchetti

Executive post production and video mapping: Michele Innocente

Event curated by Marilena Cittelli Francese and Viviana Kasam
Production Musadoc, Industria Inc and BrainCircle Italia
Coordination and organization: Euro Forum Comunicazione
In collaboration with RAI Teche
Additional images: Solar Dynamics Observatory, NASA
Fries Film Archief

Executive production: Magà Global Arts


May 30, 9 p.m. - gala premiere invitations only

May 31, 9 p.m. - charity concert 

June 1, 5.30 p.m. - youth concert

 Terme di Diocleziano | Rome | Italy

22 June 2018

KANAF for bass clarinet, video, tape & live electronics


Paolo De Gaspari - bass clarinet

June 22, 9.30 p.m. - concert 

ETEROTOPIE PIANO FESTIVAL | Mantova Musica | Palazzo Te | Mantova  | Italy

01 December – 07 December 2018

Icon-Sonic Postcards n.2 – Postcards from Rome 


First step of a one-year project that will involve numerous performances, shows, shared documentations and collective actions, in view to the final immersive installation on November 1th 2019. 

In this step: 2 daily performances, loudspeakers, seven lightboxes, and a dedicated hall with shared materials of the ongoing project, including maps, photos, artist’s notes and notes of the local équipe of the project (composed of local curators and art-operators).

Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome | Macro Asilo | Italy